Sunday, August 16, 2009


I've recently learned that Carolus himself represented the reincarnation of a much more ancient shaman named Cen, having searched for what came to be known as the Philosopher's Stone since the early Stone Age.

The Stone is symbolic of  incorruptible wisdom achieved by uniting both rational, intellectual thinking (masculine, rational, right brain activity) with intuitive knowledge of the heart  (feminine, intuitive left brain activity).

As an ancient spiritual path, Shamanism is a nonstandardized system of beliefs that varies from age to age and from place to place. The shaman achieves personal transformation only after letting go of personal agendas and confronting the enigma labyrinthine existence.

The mask of the shaman cloaks many identities: priest, healer, metaphysician, magician... a bridge between the worlds, living at the thresholds of what is real and what is illusion or delusion. As a shaman, Cen journeyed far, (sometimes in an Ecstatic Trance state), and endured much (often aided by Spirit Helpers) to gain knowledge of both cosmology and consciousness. From the vantage point of numerous long lifetimes and through multiple reincarnations, Cen accumulated the wisdom to establish healing principles which I hope he will channel through me and which I will report in subsequent blogs.